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Terms of Service

YumiExchange Terms of Service

YumiExchange(dspcp.adx.yumimobi.com) will provide you with services in strict accordance with the following terms. Once the user has finished registration, he is automatically considered to have read and accepted all terms.

Service Description

YumiExchange provides you with services on mobile advertising.

YumiExchange reserves the right to suspend any part of the services provided on the website due to maintenance, upgrading or other reasons without prior notice.

YumiExchange reserves the right change its services.

User Behaviors

When using the services provided by YumiExchange, the user should not publish any information or application containing the following contents:

1. Contents that violate the basic principles of the national constitution.

2. Contents that threaten national security, reveal national confidences, incite subversion of state power or sabotage national unity.

3. Contents that harm national honor or benefits.

4. Contents that incite ethnic violence and discrimination or sabotage ethnic unity.

5. Contents that violate national religion policies, promote heresies or superstition.

6. Contents that spread rumors, upset social order or sabotage social security.

7. Contents that are obscene, pornographic, related to gambling, violence, murder, terror or induce crimes.

8. Insulting contents, slanders or contents that infringe on the legal rights of other people.

9. Other contents that are clearly forbidden by laws and regulations.

The user should not undertake any dishonest action which damages the reputation or benefits of the platform or other users of the platform.

If the user violates any of the above terms, the platform has the right to terminate the cooperation with him.

Privacy Protection

See YumiExchange Privacy Protection Statements for details.


The user should understand and accept:

1. YumiExchange does not guarantee that the services it provide meet all needs of the user, nor does it guarantee that its service would not be interrupted. It does not guarantee the timeliness, safety or veracity of its services.

2.The user decides all by himself whether to download or attain any information or material through YumiExchange, and he therefore is responsible for all potential risks and all consequences that come along with using YumiExchange service. YomiExchange assumes no responsibility for the user.

3.If YumiExchange fails to perform details of its service specified in the promotion order due to any mistake or delay made by the client, YumiExchange assumes no responsibility for any resulting damage.

Failure or suspension in implementing the service agreement due to force majeure. YumiExchange will make great efforts to cooperate with related institutions in restoring the services, however, YumiExchange is exempted of liability within the law for any damage caused to the user.

Modification, suspension and termination of services

YumiExchange will try its best to provide its users with the best services, and will inform the users in time of any modification or suspension of service, but YumiExchange reserves the following rights:

1.Modify or suspend services without informing the users when necessary.

2.Assume no responsibility for the user or any third party for damages caused by suspension or termination of services.

Other terms

This platform only accepts payment in dollars or RMB for the present. If the payment is made in dollars, the exchange rate at the date of the payment will be used.

YumiExchange reserves all rights to explain or modify the service terms.

If you have any question concerning the service terms, please contact us: help@yumimobi.com

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