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Privacy Statements

If the user agrees to “YumiExchange Service Agreement” (hereinafter referred to as “service agreement ”), he automatically agrees that we can use or enclose user information according to the following privacy statements, which is a part of the “service agreement”.

Privacy statement

YumiExchange will try its best to keep secure your personal information including your account, passwords and advertising information and make sure that it is not lost or revealed. We will not provide your information to any third party without your permission, except in the following circumstances:

1.Provided when it is required by state laws and regulations;

2.Provided when it is required by state judicial authority or other authorities with presentation of legal documents.

3.Provided when the user violates laws, rules, regulations or website policies.

4.Provided in order to protect the user’s legal benefits or for any other lawful reasons.

In addition, YumiExchange does not assume responsibility if the following circumstances occur:

1. Any disclosure of information if the user shares his registration information or his account with others.

2.Any disclosure or loss of information caused by hacker attacks, computer viruses, temporary closure due to government regulation, or other forces majeure.

3.Other disclosures not caused by YumiExchange.

Modification of Privacy Statements

We might make modifications to the privacy statements, and the modification is part of this statement. If a modification is to process, we will publish a notice on YumiExchange homepage to inform the user of the modified contents and guide the user to view the updated privacy statements. If you continue to use this website after the publishing of any modification to the privacy statements, you are considered to have agreed upon all the modifications.

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