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1.1 Introduction

This document is designed to guide and assist developers in the integration of the YUMIUnity 3D SDK into their Unity3D Android products. Successful integration and product worldwide, or in specific geos such as China (if so required). You also can control which ad networks get installed for mediation, and have a variety of otherfeatures available to help your product earn more ad revenue quickly.

Special note: the Yumi approach to mediation is unique in that the ad networks chosen each use the Yumi account for, and not that of the developer (if any). This fact benefits develoeprs in that it can shorten and simplify the integration requirements. As Yumi consolidates and markets its own ZPLAY inventory with that of its select working partners, this can also increase revenue performance for the developer. The benefit does not stop there though, as we consolidate more than just the reporting using this approach. All payments from these ad newtorks come together in one place, and get paid at one time, often paying you even faster than we get paid. Great revenue possibilities, simplified.

As the above approach implies, Yumi is a full service ad monetization solution. You will be assigned an operations rep and a technical support rep to help you get started. When the time comes to get started on integration, simply email onboarding@yumimobi.com and we will let you know who will be working with you to assist in getting your integration complete and functional. We can even help in making suggestions about what ads to use where, and how often. We are truly your partner for success!

1.2 Development environment


Android SDK: 2.1 and newer versions


2、SDK Download

2.1 Choose third-party SDK

2.2 Download YUMI SDK

Please download YUMI SDK and add it to your project

2.3 Download third-party SDK

Please download third-party SDK and add it to your project according to instructions of the third-party platform


3.1 Add resource files

3.1.1 Everyone needs this first party Yumi resource file. Import resource\YumiMobi_UnityPlugin_Android.unitypackage to the project. For a manual import option, please see Exhibit A.

3.1.2 When the application needs to be published to the googlePlay platform,Assest / plugins / Android does not have information about googlePlayServices related to Jar or aar files,importYumiMobi_UnityPLugin_GooglePlayServices.unitypackage

3.1.3 When Assest / plugins / Android does not have support-v7 or support-v4 related jar or aar files,copy the following files to the ../Assest/plugins/Android folder

3.1.4 When the application needs to be add to the mraid ad. copy the following files to the../Assest/plugins/Android

3.1.5 Add any third-party SDK adapter resources for the Ad Networks previously chosen: The third-party adapters (yumi_adapter_******_v*.*.*.jar) within adapter folder should be added under \Assets\plugins\Android.

3.2 Configuring Access to Ads

3.2.1 Environment configuration

1) Click MakeZplayPrefab / MakeZplayYUMIPrefab to generate ZplayYUMIHelper prefab to Hietarchy,This prefab will follow all the scenes

2) Once the above steps are complete, set your slot ID, channel number, version number (channel number and version number as non-mandatory) within the ZplayYUMIHelper class.

3) ZplayYUMIHelper class Start () method The body has the following code

initMedia(); // Initialize video,note if you don't need video

InitIterstitialAD() ;// Initialize InitIterstitial ,note if you don't need InitIterstitial

ZplayLogger.setDebug(false); // log,true to display the log, false does not display logs

3.2.2 Banner, Interstitial & Rewarded Video Ad Access


These code calls generate and control ads. See notes below for additional details.









Confirm – Call to confirm whether rewarded video has completed loading or not.

// Load completed function call logic In the ZplayYUMIHelperupdade update,as follows:

Call IsMediaPrepared() to determine whether video has been loaded. It is recommended to request every five seconds. After loading completed, please set GetRotaIsMediaPrepared to true and suspend calling IsMediaPrepared().

Turn on polling in the video ad closure callback to load the video again

3.3 Google Play Release

The following code will set the App as being released on Google Play. Setting this state helps determine what global servers we will use, and also how the App may get handled in China where Google has a very small market share.


3.4 Log and Toast

The Android Log output method provided for the Unity plugin is as follows. Developers are strong encouraged to use it for efficient debugging.


3.5 Testing Platform Integrations

Here, developers can test a) initialization of the various adapters, b) the configuration of the Yumi and other ad network account setups, and c) the availability and response to ad calls. Testing is accomplished in the Yumimobi SDK debug mode. The following image shows the process of drilling down from the network level to the ad level of testing. The debugging process is outlined in more detail afterwards.

Debugging Steps:

1) To initialize the debugging feature, call:


2) Debugging Home Screen – After basic account configuration on our website, and download of the SDK, all of the platforms should be listed on this first screen, initially in red. The red markers will turn green once a platform is properly integrated and (at least one ad type) is shown successfully within the debugging program. If none or only some are shown, please check with your operations rep for assistance.

Each platform line can be clicked to enter and investigate the various layers of testing available. The following items can be tested within the second screen for each platform shown on the debugging home screen.

a) Adapter SDK Present? When this first line is green, it means that the platform adapter has been added; when in red, it means that the adapter has not yet been added. If red, please review section 3.1-2 and check for or add any missing adapter.

b) Adapter Configuration Correct? When green, it means the platform adapter has been properly registered in the Manifest; when in red, it means that the adapter has not been added, is incomplete, or contains errors. Please see section 3.1.3, Exhibit B (if needed) along with any custom integration content generated on our website when the account was first configured. The platform adapter component content is essential.

c) Ad Calls Initialized? You need to fetch an ad to test this line. When green, it means the ad platform was reached and an ad has been shown successfully; when in red, it means that the ad call was not successfully initialized or that there was no demand available from the platform for that request. Please email us if assistance required here.

d) Demand Available? Click Fetch to request ad. A fetch will generate an ad download.You will get a text response confirming the ad download, or instead an error.

e) Ad Displayed? Click Show to display an ad. When ad shows properly, all test elements will turn green, which indicates this platform has been integrated successfully, at least for that ad type.

Below is a sample screen of some banner ads that were fetched from Baidu ad network and displayed. The HIDE button simple allows the developer to test the SDK’s hide feature.

f) The debugging mode must be completed before releasing the App.

3.6 Obfuscation

If an obfuscated compilation is required for your project, please add the following items.


4. Compilation

To make a build of your game complete with the integrated Yumi SDK, please do the following steps:

1) Click File, choose Build & Run to compile, and complete the build and run screen that follows as needed.

2) Screen Orientation. While many games force a specific orientation, some allow for either portrait or landscape. Yumi, however, requires you to pick a default. The screen orientation in Unity3D shall also need to match the settings of AndroidManifest.xml file, as a conflict may lead to crash after starting application. The following image shows where this is set in the build process

3) Click【Build And Run】on the main screen and wait.


This concludes our integration document. We hope your project has gone smoothly, and we wish you well in monetizing your game with ads. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your operations or technical support contact if you need any assistance in solving integration problems. We also value and welcome your feedback on this document and for the integration process in general. Thank you!

6.Exhibit A

Using your own AndroidManifest.xml file

To use your own file, please do the following:

(1) Add Permission(s)

Adding this 2nd permission (optional) will generally improve the ad fill rate.

<!-- yumi sdk start -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.DOWNLOAD_WITHOUT_NOTIFICATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SEND_SMS"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR"/>
<!-- yumi sdk end -->

Caution: If app targetSdkVersion is 23 or above, you will need to call the following permission check code. If the user has not previously provided permission, we will need to prompt user authorization via a popup. This process needs to be called before instantiating an ad. The android-support-v4.jar also will need to be added prior.

Caution: If app targetSdkVersion is 23 or above, you will need to call the following permission check code. If the user has not previously provided permission, we will need to prompt user authorization via a popup. This process needs to be called before instantiating an ad. The android-support-v4.jar also will need to be added prior.


Note: The third-party platform adapter component registration details will be generated on our website automatically when you choose which Ad Networks you intend to work with.

7.Exhibit B

Options for Banner/Interstitial/Rewarded Video Access

1. Banner Options

a) Banner callback: The following callback messages are available to developers that would like to track or take certain game control actions (pause, unpause, etc.) conditional on these various ad status conditions. To use this option, inherit Assets.YumiUnityAdUtils.BannerAdCallbackListener [check] interface and use any of the following callback codes.

onBannerPreparedFailed(string data)

callback when banner loading failed, get failure reason via data.

onBannerPrepared(string data)

callback when banner loading success.

onBannerExposure(string data)

callback when banner show success.

onInterstitialClosed(string data)

callback when banner closed.

onBannerClicked(string data)

callback when banner clicked.


#region Banner Callback
    //callback method when banner loading failed
    public void onBannerPreparedFailed(string data)
       ZplayLogger.Log("onBannerPreparedFailed:" + data); 
	//callback method when banner loading success
    public void onBannerPrepared(string data)
       ZplayLogger.Log("onBannerPrepared:" + data); 
	//callback when banner show success
    public void onBannerExposure(string data)
       ZplayLogger.Log("onBannerExposure:" + data); 
	//callback method of banner close event
    public void onBannerClosed(string data)
       ZplayLogger.Log("onBannerClosed:" + data); 
	//callback of  banner click event
    public void onBannerClicked(string data)
       ZplayLogger.Log("onBannerClicked:" + data); 
    // callback method of Prepared

b) Banner width controls: The parameter status of isMatchWindowWidth can be used to autoexpand the banner width to the screen width, or to leave it in its default size. We recommend using the default “false” status (do not expand) to improve ad display performance. See below for the code to utilize, and also to see examples of the two banner display possibilities.

YumiUnityAdUtils.AddBannerAd(gameObject.name, isMatchWindowWidth);
  • non self-adaptation mode
  • self-adaptation mode

2. Interstitial Options

Callbacks: The following callback messages are available to developers that would like to track or take certain game control actions (pause, unpause, etc.) conditional on these various ad status conditions. To make use of this option, inherit Assets.YumiUnityAdUtils.InterstitialAdCallbackListener interface and use any of the following methods.

onInterstitialPreparedFailed(string data)

callback when interstitial loading failed, get failure reason via data.

onInterstitialPrepared(string data)

callback when interstitial loading success

onInterstitialExposure(string data)

callback when interstitial show success.

onInterstitialExposureFailed(string data)

callback when interstitial show failed

onInterstitialClosed(string data)

callback when interstitial closed.

onInterstitialClicked(string data)

callback when interstitial clicked.


#region InterstitialAd Callback
    //callback method when interstitial loading failed
    public void onInterstitialPreparedFailed(string data)
       ZplayLogger.Log("onInterstitialPreparedFailed:" + data); 
    //callback method when interstitial loading success
    public void onInterstitialPrepared(string data)
       ZplayLogger.Log("onInterstitialPrepared:" + data); 
    //method when interstitial show success 
    public void onInterstitialExposure(string data)
       ZplayLogger.Log("onInterstitialExposure:" + data); 
    // method when interstitial show failed
    public void onInterstitialExposureFailed (string data)
    //callback of interstitial close event
    public void onInterstitialClosed(string data)
       ZplayLogger.Log("onInterstitialClosed:" + data); 
    //callback of interstitial click event
    public void onInterstitialClicked(string data)
       ZplayLogger.Log("onInterstitialClicked:" + data); 

3. Rewarded Video Options

Callbacks: The following callback messages are available to developers that would like to track or take certain game control actions (pause, unpause, etc.) conditional on these various ad status conditions. To make use of this option, inherit Assets.YumiUnityAdUtils. MediaAdCallbackListener interface and use any of the following methods.

onMediaExposure(string data)

when rewarded video starts successfully.

onMediaClosed(string data)

callback when rewarded video closed.

onMediaClicked(string data)

callback when rewarded video clicked. Note: this method does not guarantee 100% callback depending on the platform

onIsMediaPrepared(string data)

callback when rewarded video prepared。prepared : data=true。Note:This method is only called once IsMediaPrepared(),this callback will be initiated


#region MediaAd Callback
	// bonus callback method of rewarded video 
    public void onMediaIncentived(string data)
       ZplayLogger.Log("onMediaIncentived:" + data);
	// callback method of rewarded video show completed
    public void onMediaExposure(string data)
       ZplayLogger.Log("onMediaExposure:" + data);
	// callback method of rewarded video close event
    public void onMediaClosed(string data)
       ZplayLogger.Log("onMediaClosed:" + data);
	// callback method of rewarded video click event
    public void onMediaClicked (string data)
       ZplayLogger.Log("onMediaClicked:" + data);
	// callback method of Prepared
    public void onIsMediaPrepared (string data)
        ZplayLogger.LogError("yumiMobi SDK Media Is Prepared :" + data);
		if (Convert.ToBoolean(data))
			//Video requests success., stop run IsMediaPrepared
	     	ZplayYUMIHelper.Instance.GetRotaIsMediaPrepared = true;