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Terms & Conditions

Conditions of participation

To participate in www.zplay.com, each user has to accept the Terms and Conditions. Terms and Conditions refer mainly, but not exclusively to all services of the online presence of www.zplay.com.

www.zplay.com is always attempting to ensure that all services are available. However, to circumstances beyond our control, some services may not be available on-demand. Due to this, no user has any claim regarding the availability of services. The carrier is not liable in any way for server breakdown, faulty programming etc. The occurrence of any disadvantages for a user resulting from server breakdowns, faulty programming etc. does not entitle the user to claim the recovery of his/her account's status before the occurrence.


A. Commencing and terminating of membership. Membership commences after either a Game and/or Board Account has been registered. The membership may be terminated by the user by deleting the account. The erasure of data information may be delayed for technical reasons. The carrier reserves the right to delete or to block accounts mainly but not exclusively, in a case of violation of these Terms and Conditions. There is no legal claim with regards to account termination and refund. Users who do not comply with this agreement, can be deleted or blocked without prior notice.

B. Rights regarding the accounts. All accounts, including their resources, units, etc. are virtual objects of the game. The user does not obtain ownership or any other rights to the account. All rights are reserved by the www.zplay.com. No rights, in particular exploitative rights, are assigned to the user. Without written permission of www.zplay.com, it is prohibited to sell accounts or resources, or to make any other profit by leaving accounts or resources to third parties. www.zplay.com can decide to terminate membership, confiscate virtual fortune, and delete account or even screen out IP address on the breach of above mention regulations.

Data Protection

A. Storage of personal data. The carrier reserves the right to store personal data of users in order to supervise the obedience of users to the rules, the Terms and Conditions and the applicable laws. Subject to storage may be the IP address in connection to connection time and connection method -if available - all data from the user's profile which is entered voluntarily. In boards the profile data which is entered by the user is stored.

B. Modification of Terms and Conditions. Notification will be published on any modification or extension. A user does not agree on the updated version, user can take initiative to revoke the service or drop their user membership voluntarily without any right to claim for refund; If user continues the service, it’s deemed to accept the relative modification. www.zplay.com reserves the right to modify or extend these Terms and Conditions at any time without further notice and free from any liability on the third party.