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YumiExchange is a real time bidding exchange that services mobile applications. Mobile applications are welcome to integrate with us.

Frequently asked questions regarding app integration are listed below, which are devided into business-related and tech-related ones. If you have already integrated with YumiExchange, you can skip business-related questions.

Business-related questions

Q: What's your requirement for publishers?

A: Currently we only integrate apps that have more than 200 thousand daily active users. Apps with a DAU more than 200 thousand are welcome to integrate with us, we will help you to generate more ad revenue. That said, given ads usually don't perform very well in games and only generate limited revenue, publishers should weigh the revenue against user experience and practice discretion before they integrate.

Q: Which categories of app would have better performance?

A:Reading apps (news, e-books etc.), social apps, video apps are some good ones. By adding tags to the traffic, we enhance the value of traffic by making it more accurate for advertisers to target every user, thus significantly increasing revenue.

Q: What ad types do you support?

A: We support banner, interstitial, splash, native (feeds) and other custom ads. You can add your needs for different ad placements. We will send your needs to our DSP partners and customize your ads.

Q: How do you review ad creatives?

A: We provide two ways of review: review before impression and review after impression. Review before impression means that ads provided by DSPs must be reviewed and approved before impression; review after impression means that we trust DSP's ads and show them first and review them afterwards, and unapproved ads will not be shown in the app again. You can change the review rules based on your needs. We will integrate more high-quality DSPs who will also help you to review the ads. In the meantime, you can block any undesired ad creatives based on your needs in advance. Currently we only support review after impression.

Q: How do you guarantee maximized revenue?

A:We guarantee the best prices by making the following efforts:
1)You can set a floor price (CPM) for your ad placements based on previous or market prices, ads will not be sold to the DSP if the DSP can't afford the floor price.
2)By collaborating with DMP (Talking Data), we will increase the value of the traffic by tagging every user.
3)We will also work hard to integrate more high-quality DSPs which mean more competition and higher bids.

Q: How much do you charge for the service?

A: We promise no involvement in th revenue share with publishers. We charge a flat service fee which is negotiated by the two sides. No matter how much your revenue increases, we won't take any share of it.

Q: How do you pay ad revenue?

A: YumiExchange only serve to facilitate the transactions between publishers and DSPs within the exchange, therefore YumiExchange itself is not involved in the settlement of ad revenue. Publishers should negotiate settlement method and interval with DSPs. Given the sheer volume of money involved in the payment, we recommend that publishers and DSPs use corporate account and settle account monthly. We will report to you your revenue in real time to make it more convenient and flexible for you to settle account.

Tech-related questions

A: How do I integrate with YumiExchange?

Q: You can integrate with us via API and/or SDK.
1) Via API: you need to develop a component that communicates with YumiExchange server and requests ads from the server when an impression opportunity comes up. The advantage of this model is freedom from limitation posted by app stores, you can launch to the app store and change ads anytime you want;
2)SDK: in this model a set of specific interfaces are called in the application, the interfaces will show ads in its built-in WebKit. The advantage with SDK is that you don't need to develop the code which communicates with YumiExchange.

Q: When integrating with API, we want to handle the imagery and click url by ourselves, can you not return HTML?

A: Yes, we can. You can declare in the request parameters to exclude HTML type, then we will return the urls for creative and click. However, we do not recommend this, because not returning HTML is not conducive to integrating new ad formats.

Q: Why do I get “OS is unknow” when sending request?

A: You didn't fill in device ID. For iOS, o_iosadvid corresponds ADID (previously called IDFA) which is required; for Android, o_androidimei corresponds IMEI, o_androidid corresponds Android ID and o_andadvid corresponds Google Play ID, you must fill in at least one of those three IDs. Among them Google Play ID is difficult to obtain for Chinese devices, but IMEI and Android ID are easier to get.

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