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Thanks for choosing MOBI, this document is a guide for the publishers who need to integrate YUMI SDK in Android product.

1、Start Integration

After logging in, please create a new app, fill out basic information of the app to acquire a YUMI ID. Download SDK according to your needs and follow the SDK development guide.

If you want to know the SDK update record, please go to Changelog

2、Development Environment

iOS6 or above

3、Ad Formats Supported By Third-Parties

Name Ad format Service Area
广点通 banner+插屏 中国大陆
Inmobi banner+插屏 全球
百度 banner+插屏 中国大陆
Startapp banner+插屏 海外
MMedia banner+插屏 海外
Facebook banner+插屏 全球
Admob banner+插屏 全球
Chartboost 插屏 全球
Applovin 插屏 全球
Vungle 视频 全球
Loopme 视频 全球
Unity 视频 全球
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