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1.1 Target Readers

This document is for iOS developers who want to integrate ZPLAY Ads SDK into their product.

1.2 Development Environment

• Xcode 7.0 and above

• Deploy target: iOS 7.0 and above

2. SDK Download

2.1 Choose third-party SDK

2.2 Download ZPLAY Ads SDK

Please download ZPLAY Ads SDK and add it to your project

DownLoad SDK v2.0.5

2.3 Download third-party SDK

Please download third-party SDK and add it to your project according to instructions of the third-party platform

3、Development Environment Configuration

3.1 Add ZPLAY Ads SDK

Right click the YUMISample folder,select Add Files to“ YUMISample”.

Click Options and check “Copy items if needed”.

3.2 Configure Script

1. Select the current "YUMISample" project;

2. Select "YUMISample" within this project;

3. Configure YUMISDKConfig script for “Debug” and “Release” in “Configurations” under Info;

3.3 Import framework

1. Select the current "YUMISample" project;

2. Select"YUMISample" under “TARGETS”;

3. Add below system libraries in “Link Binary With Libraries” under “Build Phases” ;





3.4 Configure ATS

Starting from July 2017, Apple App Store will require that all submitted apps to use ATS.You need to switch off the NSAllowsArbitraryLoads switch to enable the ATS verification. After this, all HTTP requests will be shielded.

You can switch on NSAllowsArbitraryLoads if your submitted app does not need the ATS verification. However, you need to state your reason for not using ATS when submitting your game to Apple App Store for approval.

3.4 Permission for iOS 9 and newer versions

Upload apps into App Store. Add below permission in “info.plist”


<string>App can't access calender without your permission </string>


<string>App can't access album without your permission </string>


4.1 Banner

4.1.1 Import Header File

 #import "AdsYuMIView.h"                            

4.1.2 Set Delegate


4.1.3 Declare A Member Variable For Banner

AdsYuMIView * adView;

4.1.4 Initialization

// Initialization interface
//@param appkey           YUMI ID,you need to create a YUMIID on ZPLAY Ads.
//@param adType           Size type of banner ads, used to differentiate between ipad and iphone
//@param StopRotation  If you are using ZPLAY Ads alone, please enable ZPLAY Ads automatic rotation, set the field as “NO”; if you are using ZPLAY Ads in other mediations, to ensure ad performance, please disable ZPLAY Ads rotation and set the field as “YES”.
//@param autoAdSize     Auto adsize,YES:enable NO:disable
//@return                         Banner object
 -(id)initWithAppKey:(NSString*)appkey AdViewType:(AdViewYMType)adType StopRotation:(BOOL)stoprotaion isAutoAdSize:(BOOL)autoAdSize ;                            


float h;
 float w = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.width;
 if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {
    float proportion = 90.0f/728.0f;
    h = w * proportion;
    float proportion = 50.0f/320.0f;
    h = w * proportion;
if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {
    if ([UIDevice currentDevice].orientation == UIDeviceOrientationPortrait ||
       [UIDevice currentDevice].orientation == UIDeviceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown){
      adView =[[AdsYuMIView alloc]initWithAppKey: @"YUMIID"
                                                           StopRotation:NO isAutoAdSize:YES];
      adView.frame=CGRectMake(0,self.view.frame.size.height-h,0, 0);
    }else {
     adView =[[AdsYuMIView alloc]initWithAppKey: @"YUMIID"
                                                           StopRotation:NO isAutoAdSize:NO];
      adView.frame=CGRectMake(([UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.width-720)/2,
  }else {
    if ([UIDevice currentDevice].orientation == UIDeviceOrientationPortrait ||
       [UIDevice currentDevice].orientation == UIDeviceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown){
      adView =[[AdsYuMIView alloc]initWithAppKey: @"YUMIID"
                                                             AdViewType: AdViewYMTypeNormalBanner
                                                           StopRotation:NO isAutoAdSize:YES];
      adView.frame=CGRectMake(0,self.view.frame.size.height-h,0, 0);
    }else {
      adView =[[AdsYuMIView alloc]initWithAppKey: @"YUMIID"
                                                             AdViewType: AdViewYMTypeNormalBanner
                                                           StopRotation:NO isAutoAdSize:NO];
      adView.frame=CGRectMake(([UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.width-320)/2,
  [self.view addSubview:adView];

4.1.5 Hide And Show Banner

//Hide banner
adView.hidden = YES;
//Show banner
adView.hidden = NO;

4.1.6 Banner Size


320x50px, applicable on mobile phones


728x90px, applicable on tablets

4.1.7 Banner Delegate Callbacks


Return current view to show banner

This callback must be implemented


Start loading banner


Banner impression succeeds


Banner display fails


Banner is clicked


// This method shows the current view of banner. If it fails, banner will not be displayed.
// return the current banner view
 - (UIViewController *)viewControllerForPresentingYUMIModalView{
    return self;
// Banner starts to request callback
- (void)adsYuMIDidStartAd:(AdsYuMIView *)adView{
// Callback when banner is received successfully
- (void)adsYuMIDidReceiveAd:(AdsYuMIView *)adView{
// Callback when banner fails to be received
- (void)adsYuMIDidFailToReceiveAd:(AdsYuMIView *)adView didFailWithError:(NSError *)error{
// Click callback
- (void)adsYuMIClickAd:(AdsYuMIView *)adView{

4.2 Interstitial

4.2.1 Import Header File

#import "YuMIInterstitial.h"
#import "YuMIInterstitialManager.h"

4.2.2 Set Delegate


4.2.3 Declare A Member Variable For Interstitial

YuMIInterstitial * inter;

4.2.4 Pre-Caching

//  Interstitial initialization
// @param appkey            YUMI ID,you need to create a YUMI ID on ZPLAY Ads which you can use in the app
// @param stopRotation   If you are using ZPLAY Ads, please enable ZPLAY Ads automatic rotation, set the field as “NO”.
// @return Interstitial object
 - (YuMIInterstitial *)adYuMIInterstitialByAppKey:(NSString*)appkey isStopRotation:(BOOL)stopRotation;


inter= [[YuMIInterstitialManager shareInstance] adYuMIInterstitialByAppKey: @"YUMIID"  isStopRotation:NO];

4.2.5 Show Interstitial

if (inter) {
    [inter interstitialShow:NO];

4.2.6 Interstitial Delegate Callbacks


Return current view to show interstitial

This callback must be implemented


Interstitial is shown successfully


Interstitial fails to be shown


Interstitial is closed


Interstitial is clicked


// This method shows the current interstitial view. If it fails, interstitial ads will not be displayed.
// Return the view which displays interstitial ads
 - (UIViewController *)viewControllerForPresentingInterstitialModalView {
    return self;
// Interstitial is shown successfully
//@param ad           Return an interstitial instantiation
 - (void)YuMIInterstitialDidReceiveAd:(YuMIInterstitial *)ad {
// Interstitial ads loading failed
//@param ad          Return an interstitial instantiation
// @param error     Return error message
 - (void)YuMIInterstitial:(YuMIInterstitial *)ad didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(NSError *)error {
// Interstiail is closed
// @param ad        Return an interstitial instantiation
 - (void)YuMIInterstitialDidDismissScreen:(YuMIInterstitial *)ad {}
// Interstitial click callback
- (void)adapterDidInterstitialClick{}

4.3 Rewarded video

4.3.1 Import Header File

#import <YMVideo/YMVideo.h>

4.3.2 Set Delegate


4.3.3 Initialize Rewarded Video

// Video initialization
//@param appkey    YUMIID, you need to create a YUMI ID on ZPLAY Ads
//@param delegate  Delegate
//@return Video object
 +(id)startWithYuMIId:(NSString*)yumiId delegate:(id<YMVideoDelegate>) delegate;


[YMVideoManager startWithYuMIId: @"YUMIID" delegate:self];

4.3.4 Check If There Is An Available Rewarded Video To Be Played

// If pre-cashing is complete
// YES: complete
// NO: incomplete
 [[YMVideoManager sharedVideoManager] isReadVideo]

4.3.5 Show Rewarded Video

// When there are available video ads at the Method of [[YMVideoManager sharedVideoManager] isReadVideo], call to play video
[[YMVideoManager sharedVideoManager] playVideo];

4.3.6 Rewarded Video Delegate Callbacks


Return current view to show video

This callback must be implemented


Video is closed


User gets rewards


// This method shows the current interstitial view. If it fails, interstitial ads will not be displayed.
// Return the view which displays current video
- (UIViewController *)viewControllerVideoModalView {
    return [[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] rootViewController];
// Video closed
//@param _adapter  Platform adapter
//@param view     Platform view
- (void)didCompleteVideo{
// Platform video reward
//@param _adapter
//@param view

4.4 Splash

4.4.1 Import Header File

#import "YMANFullScreen.h"
#import "YMANFullScreenDelegate.h"

4.4.2 Initialization

// Initialize splash
//@param appkey     YUMI ID, you need to create a YUMI ID on ZPLAY Ads
//@param delegate   Splash delegate
// @param window    Window object of current app
// @return
 -(void)initWithAppKey:(NSString*)appkey delegate:(id)delegate win-dow:(UIWindow *)window;


[[YMANFullScreen shareInstance] initWithAppKey:@"玉米ID"  delegate:self window:self.window];

4.4.3 Delegate Callbacks


Return current view to show splash

This callback must be implemented


Set default launch image


Start loading splash


Splash loading fails


Splash loading succeeds


Splash ads closed


Open built-in browser


Close built-in browser


- (UIViewController *)viewControllerForPresentingYMANFullScreenModalView{
    return self.window.rootViewController;
// Set default launch image
 //  @return  launch image name
- (NSString *)YMANFullScreenAdiPhoneImage{
    if([[UIDevice currentDevice]userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad){
        return @"Default-Portrait";
        return @"Default";
// Start loading splash
- (void)YMANFullScreenWillDidStart{
// Splash loading failes
- (void)YMANFullScreenLoadFail:(NSError *)error{
// Splash loading succeeds
- (void)YMANFullScreenLoadSuccess{
// Splash ads closed
- (void)YMANFullScreenClickCloseBtn{
// Open built-in browser
- (void)YMANFullScreenStartWebBrower{
// Close built-in browser
- (void)YMANFullScreenWebBrowerWillDidClose{

5、Advanced Features

5.1 Test Mode

ZPLAY Ads SDK provides a test mode to test your 3rd-party Integrations.

1、Call method to open test page:

#import <YuMIDebugCenter/YuMIDebugCenter.h>
[[YuMIDebugCenter shareInstance] startDebugging:self];

2、ZPLAY Ads SDK will get configuration and show third-party platform list

3、Choose a platform

4、Click Request to start requesting ads, click Show to show ads

5、The platform has been successfully integrated after impression succeeds

6、Comment out the test code before app launch

Note: If the adapter is not added to the platform, it will prompt: interstitial of adapter not integration

5.2 Banner Ads Automatically Adapt To Screen Size

  • Non auto adaptaion
  • auto adaptaion

When you set banner ad container, you can use isMatchWindowWidth, a parameter of boolean type provided by ZPLAY Ads SDK. This parameter indicates if banner width has populated full screen. When it's YES, banner width equals the screen width.

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