Tips for independent developer

1、Registered financial information:

Please ensure the accuracy of your individual financial information you have filled out . Our company will make payment according to the information you provide. If the information is incorrect, we will not be responsible for the delay or failure of payment.

If necessary, please modify your information before the last working day of each month to avoid deferred payment.

Tip: there are 7 banks that support individual user payment at present., including Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, Guangdong Development Bank, China CITIC Bank and China Merchants Bank (recommended).

2、Deduct labor income tax (Domestic):

According to the Regulation on the Implementation of the Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China, our company will deduce individual labor income tax from the division. Tax proof: please take the individual valid identity certificate and the Commission of the tax deduction company to the local tax bureau to obtain the tax certificate.