1ã€ç”³è¯·æ现至打款æµç¨‹ä¸ºï¼šæ¯æœˆæ—¥ä¹‹å†…å¼€å‘者å¯è¿›è¡Œæ现申请→ZPLAYAds将在2ä¸ªå·¥ä½œæ—¥å†…å®¡æ ¸æ现金é¢ï¼Œå®¡æ ¸é€šè¿‡åŽâ†’å¼€å‘者邮寄å‘ç¥¨å’Œç›–å…¬ç« çš„å¯¹è´¦å•ï¼ˆä¸ªäººå¼€å‘者åªéœ€é‚®å¯¹è´¦å•ï¼‰â†’ZPLAYAdså®¡æ ¸å‘票和对账å•â†’ZPLAYAds确认支付。
2ã€å‘票上收款人ã€å¤æ ¸äººã€å¼€ç¥¨äººå¿…须把姓å备注清楚,且å¤æ ¸ã€å¼€ç¥¨äººä¸èƒ½ä¸ºåŒä¸€äººåå—。
3ã€å‘票备注æ è¯·æ ‡æ³¨ï¼Œåˆ†æœˆå¼€ç¥¨é‡‘é¢ã€‚
4ã€ç›–å‘ç¥¨ç« è¯·ä¸è¦é®ä½å‘票金é¢ï¼Œä¸”ä¸èƒ½ç›–缺。
è¯·ä¸¥æ ¼æŒ‰ç…§æˆ‘å¸å¼€ç¥¨è¦æ±‚开具å‘票,如若ä¸ç¬¦ï¼Œæˆ‘å¸å°†ä¸€å¾‹é€€å›žã€‚
1ã€Payments procedures: Developers are available to apply for payment from every month→ZPLAY Ads review the application→After the application has been approved, developers mail invoice and account statement with official seal (Personal developer only need mail account statement)→ZPLAY Ads review the invoice and account statement→ZPLAY Ads confirm the payment
2ã€Name of payee, reviewer and drawer on the invoice should be noted clearly. Meanwhile, the reviewer and drawer should not be the same person.
3ã€Please note the amount of money monthly in the remarks section.
4ã€Invoice seal should be complete and not cover the amount of money.
The invoice should be made out in strict accordance with our requirements. If it does not meet the requirements, we will return it.
800<Revenue after VAT Withholding<4000(Revenue after VAT Withholding-800)*20%
4000≤Revenue after VAT Withholding<25000Revenue after VAT Withholding*(1-20%)*20%
25000≤Revenue after VAT Withholding<62500Revenue after VAT Withholding*(1-20%)*30%-2000
62500≤Revenue after VAT WithholdingRevenue after VAT Withholding*(1-20%)*40%-7000
1ã€Payments procedures: Developers are available to apply for payment from every month, and provide E-invoice and statement of account with company seal→Review by ZPLAY Ads→Payment
2ã€For any question, please contact service@zplayads.com.
1ã€ç”³è¯·æ现至打款æµç¨‹ä¸ºï¼šæ¯æœˆ 日之内开å‘者å¯è¿›è¡Œæ现申请,并需æ供电åå‘票与盖有公å¸å…¬ç« 的对账å•ï¼ŒZPLAY Adså®¡æ ¸å‘票和对账å•é€šè¿‡åŽï¼Œå°†ä¼šç¡®è®¤æ”¯ä»˜è´¦å•ã€‚