Mobile Game Marketing UNLEASHED


Proprietary ad builder platform

3D & Action game Support

Immediate account access

Ad Creation made Fast & Easy

Split testing multiple ad versions

Advanced ad performance analysis


Up to double or more the conversions
      over Rewarded Video ads

More engaged users

Better retention

Core Features



Cross Platform Reach

Global Scale


Experience Zplay Playables for Yourself

Sample our playable ads easily, or preview your own, all with our ZPLAY Ads APP.

Use ZPLAY Ads APP to scan the QR code above and preview the playable ad selected on your own phone.

Use ZPLAY Ads APP to scan the QR code above and preview the playable ad selected on your own phone.

Use ZPLAY Ads APP to scan the QR code above and preview the playable ad selected on your own phone.

A Platform just for Playables

Catapult ZPLAY playable ads into all of the best places, globally. We offer extensive in game/app inventory at scale, and all sourced directly for guaranteed, premium quality.

Our robust ad platform will help you target and promote in the most effective ways.  Leverage features like auto-optimization, split testing, and insightful reporting to maximize ROI on the fly.

Our mobile Attribution & Marketing Analytics partners

From Beijing to Berlin or Boston, these 3rd party monitoring platforms can help
ensure that your CPI conversions are properly tracked and credited to you

Get Going Today!

It has never been easier to create and deploy playable ads than it is today.

Create an account and request your first ad in only minutes!

Create Account